Meet the team

Hi! My name is Charlotte and I am co owner of Sleep Under The Stars. 

I am a British stay at home mom living in Amaranth just outside of Orangeville. I have three children 2 girls aged 10 and 8 and one little boy who is 2.

I lived in Orangeville from 2012 for 5 years and then I moved away for my husband's job to Sudbury. But I always missed Orangeville and this wonderful community. So much so that I moved back here last year. I have travelled all over the world and lived in many different countries and I am so happy to call this my home. 

Hi! My name is Nikki and I am co owner of Sleep Under The Stars

I have lived in Orangeville for 15 years and have raised my 3 boys here aged 7, 12 and 13. I am also a local portrait artist and love collecting rocks and fossils from the Great Lakes.

I am excited to meet new families in our community while spreading fun with our sleepovers!